they are what make us sixsense.
1. Take Personal Responsibility.
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We are all responsible and accountable to ourselves, our team and our clients. We are responsible for meeting our commitments at the sixsense quality standard. We are solution focused. We always find a way.
2. Be Someone People Know Like And Trust.
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Whether it is clients, team members, suppliers, interviewees or anyone else we interact with, we treat them with respect, generosity and care. We make others look good and feel good (when we are with them and when we are not). We keep our promises and we “clean up” when we “mess up”. We look for ways to surprise and delight others. We make the effort to build personal connections and relationships. We are friendly, approachable, informal and always professional.
3. Inspire And Host Possibility.
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Sixsense is a business that was built on “what’s possible if you put your mind to it”. “Possibility” is our mindset. We focus on “how we can” not ”why we can’t”. We start with “yes” and then we figure it out. We challenge and inspire one another to tackle new and innovative ideas and projects where no roadmap exists – we create the roadmap. We accept the challenges that come our way and failure is not an option.
4. Engage Others.
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At sixsense we pride ourselves on having a collaborative and collegial approach to our work. Our work is done in teams and we value the input of all team members. We understand that listening is the key to collaboration. We tap into the knowledge, wisdom and perspective of the sixsense team to improve our thinking, our client’s thinking, and the quality of our work. Our work environment has a buzz to it – the buzz of communication and collaboration. We all help each other to be and do our absolute best.
5. Grow.
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We have a proactive, growth mindset – always challenging ourselves to be better. We look for ways to improve ourselves, building on our complement of skills, capabilities and experiences. We look for ways to improve our teams – we coach progress not perfection. We look for ways to improve every single project we work on. We look for ways to improve sixsense.